
Our immediate work is recruiting IDUST volunteers and Advisory Board members to form IDUST Teams, particularly in countries where DU is suspected to be part of the military arsenal or where the landscape has been contaminated by DU. Some of these countries include: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bahrain, Bolivia, Brazil, Bosnia, Canada, Czech Republic, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Iraq, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Panama, Pakistan, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Yugoslavia.

To succeed in our efforts will require a mass movement across the globe. We need IDUST volunteers and Advisory Board members that can help in the following areas: Local Organizing, Internet Management, International Law, Media Relations, Fundraising, Resources, Research, United Nations, Exchange Programs, Indigenous Lands Studies, Proliferation Studies, Medical Experts, Scientists to Test and Analyze Water, Air and Soil Samples.